Bound in Love

On a late autumn day, with the leaves stripped from the trees, a foggy mist of rain can draw out the part of the soul hidden deep within that yearns to wander. Though the road is muddy, long, and narrow ones curiosity drives them onward to find where exactly this road may lead.

Spirit tugs at ones heart through the natural setting of the Earth; the raw essence of Spirit lives and breathes on this very road. Longing, courage, and hope all hide within this stillness waiting to be unveiled at precisely the perfect moment. The seeker shall surely find contentment and peace here.

The bare trees amongst the evergreens evoke feelings of balance and yet the neutral tones of grey lend a hint of sadness to the scene. The vast array of brightly colored autumn leaves scattered about by the wind bring color to the otherwise drab sight. In this, one is reminded of the constant changes of life and Mother Nature.

In a moment such as this, one finds the memories of their twin flame. They recall with ease, the way their passions were set free the moment that they met and how magic was created when they touched. The hunger for wholeness pushed them down the road separately but along the path they were spiritually drawn to one another as they each searched for their own higher purpose in life.

Together they traveled the depths of love and gave from all their being to each other; their hearts of one kind, spirits of one meaning, and their souls intertwined. The love that was within them surrounded them each moment and conquered all that threatened their existence.

Though they knew not where the road would lead them, without fear, love drove them continuously onward. For eternity, yes, even in death, they shall remain as one for they are of one mind, one body, and one spirit, bound in love.

Just the way I am! WNA32

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"In love, when you least expect it, a fairytale can happen and it lasts for all eternity."