I know you are still there

The rain makes me sleepy. I feel the urge to close my eyes and shut off the rest of the world for the day. I want to sleep and dream of all that I once had and all that I once believed in.

So much time has come to pass and numerous changes have taken place, still, my heart can not forget you. I know you are still with me. I feel you from time to time brushing my shoulder or reminding me of things of the past.

It is not easy to let go of the hope that maybe one day I will wake from this nightmare and you will be here. Alas, I know that this is impossible. I know that my time with you is over still a part of me can not let go. I don't want to.
I dream about you often, about places I have never seen in life. I know that you are trying to tell me something but I don't know what it is. I'm not sure that I will ever know.
(photo by Daisy Nelson)

Just the way I am! WNA32

My photo
"In love, when you least expect it, a fairytale can happen and it lasts for all eternity."